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Stirling Engine


Demonstrate the Stirling engine. Classes Used: PHYS 157, PHYS 203

Entropy, Energy Conversion, Stirling cycle

Useful Links: How Stuff Works provides an excellent description of Stirling Engines and some physical concepts behind them: American Stirling Company is the place to go if one was interested in purchasing a Stirling Engine that can run using the heat of your monitor! For those interested in creating their own Stirling Engine, perhaps Koichi Hirata can help out.


Demonstrate the Stirling engine.


- Stirling Engine - Alcohol lamp - Lighter or matches - Liquid nitrogen - Styrofoam cup


1. Remove the lid from the alcohol lamp, place it beneath the engine and ignite. 2. Let the lamp warm up the cylinder for 5-10 minutes then spin the blades counterclockwise (when facing from front). Cold Alternative 1. To run the engine off a cold source, pour liquid nitrogen into the Styrofoam cup and immerse the bottom end of the engine in it. This might take a couple refills. (Or use a 2L pop bottle with the top cut off, takes one refill) 2. The engine will run in the reverse direction, therefore a clockwise spin will be required to start it.


If the lamp is empty, there's ethanol in the fumehood near the sink. Do not use the lamp oil.

Updated on: 01/19/16

Demo room information

Location —-
Maker Unknown
Current State Working
demonstrations/4_thermodynamics/4f_entropy_and_the_second_law/stirling_engine/start.1550187203.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/14 23:33 by