Table of Contents

Rail Gun


A high-amperage power source is connected to two metal rails and the circuit is completed with a metal rod perpendicular to the two rails. Two large magnets are set at one end of the track then generate a magnetic field which is used to start the rail gun.


To demonstrate Lortentz force and the application of the right-hand rule.


Provided with the demo:

Kept elsewhere:



While the voltage across the rails is relatively low, there is a very high amperage flowing across them so burns are a potential hazard. Note that as the rod rolls it'll produce a shower of sparks; this could present a fire hazard if there's anything easily combustible nearby.2)

Demo room information

Location OPQ0
Maker Unknown
Current State Working
The rod should be aligned with the L-shaped connectors on either side of the rails.
Things like tissues, spilled ethanol, etc.