====== Resistance Change With Temperature ====== {{tag> needs_review untagged unlocated}} {{Resistance_Changing_Temperature.jpg?400|}} // // ===== Description ===== Demonstrates resistance of a metal varying with temperature ===== Purpose ===== To show that the resistance of a metal decreases when cooled; this demonstrates a positive temperature coefficient of resistance. ===== Apparatus ===== Dewar flask, liquid nitrogen, light and series wound resistor ===== Setup ===== 1. Switch on apparatus and since the resistor is in series with the lamp and the 115 V supply for the lamp will not glow at full brightness. 2. Dip resistor into the liquid nitrogen and the light will shine brighter. Updated on: 01/18/16 ===== Notes ===== // Demo room information // | **Location** | ---- | | **Maker** | Unknown | | **Current State** | Working |