====== Bernoulli Theorem ====== {{tag> fluid_mechanics bernoulli levitation located}} {{Bernoulli_-_Vacuum_and_Ball.jpg?400|}} // // ===== Description ===== Consists simply of the [[demonstrations:9_equipment:reverse_vacuum_cleaner:start|reversed vacuum cleaner]] and a lightweight plastic ball. ===== Purpose ===== Demonstrates the Bernoulli Theorem by using a flow of air to levitate a ball. ===== Apparatus ===== * [[demonstrations:9_equipment:reverse_vacuum_cleaner:start|Reversed vacuum cleaner]] * [[demonstrations:9_equipment:balls:start|Plastic Ball]] ===== Setup ===== - Turn the vacuum on and drop the ball above the nozzle. - The ball will then remain suspended in air due to the Bernoulli effect. ===== Notes ===== A plastic cup attached to the side of the vacuum is used to hold a ball specifically for this demo. If it's missing, we should have more. // Demo room information // | **Location** | U0 | | **Maker** | Unknown | | **Current State** | Working |