====== Water Lens ======
{{tag>Water Lens needs_review untagged unlocated}}
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===== Description =====
Varying the amount of water inside a "lens" to model the behaviour of human eyes
===== Purpose =====
===== Apparatus =====
1. Water Lens with a closed syringe attached
2. A thin glass lens to demonstrate human "wearing glass".
3. A projector with variable focusing ability (Just a focus lens tube attach to a light source)
4. Some image/diagrams to project.
Please refer to the images below for setup.
- Attach an image between the light source and the focus lens tube (i.e: tape on to the focus lens tube)
- "~45 mL" on the syringe is a concave blur projection of the image, which can be sharpen in two ways:
1. Use the thin glass lens after the water lens, since the glass lens is convex lens
2. Pump water from the syringe into the water lens to about "~10 mL" left in the syringe.
===== Setup =====
===== Notes =====
You have to provide your own image to display. Updated on: Dec 07, 2013
// Demo room information //
| **Location** | ---- |
| **Maker** | Unknown |
| **Current State** | Working |