====== Wine Glass Resonance ======
{{tag> Resonance Music Sound untagged unlocated}}
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===== Description =====
Resonance between two wine glasses causes vibrations moving the match stick. Classes Used: Phys 341, SCIENCE ONE
waves, resonance
Online Video links:
[[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93tuLUz2w_8 | Video 1 ]]
[[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIDbtkCSUxY | Video 2 ]]
===== Purpose =====
To demonstrate that two glasses tuned to the same tone will vibrate together even though only one is played.
===== Apparatus =====
Two or more glass goblets, water, toothpick or match stick
===== Setup =====
* Two glasses are filled with the same amount of water.
* Place the glasses side by side so that at the closest point they are approximately 1cm apart (a little less is even better as long as they do not touch).
* The match stick is balanced along the rim of one of the glasses.
* Wet a fingertip and rub it around the edge of the other glass to create a tone.
===== Notes =====
// Demo room information //
| **Location** | ---- |
| **Maker** | Unknown |
| **Current State** | Working |