====== Human Oscillator ======
{{tag> simple_harmonic_motion oscillation untagged unlocated}}
// //
===== Description =====
Interactive demonstration of wave motion. Popular demo! Classes Used: PHYS 101, 153, 341
===== Purpose =====
Demonstrate wave propagation.
===== Apparatus =====
spring, weight, stand, brown paper (get 10-12 feet from stores), lab coats, goggles, gloves, tape (to mount paper to wall afterward), spray paint (in tool cupboard'more available upstairs in excess closet).
Set up:
Set weight on spring on a stand. Have two students hold the paper at either end and walk slowly past the spring as third student carefully sprays the paper following the motion of the weight. Result is a nice sinusoidal wave. Can be used with a timer to carry out period and frequency calculations.
Lab coats and goggles are available to protect student clothing. Updated on: 06/19/13
===== Setup =====
===== Notes =====
// Demo room information //
| **Location** | ---- |
| **Maker** | Unknown |
| **Current State** | Working |